back to school


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Yes, I am a blogging slacker.

I know some of you are reading this and thinking, "what?? no pictures??" and you'll just go on to the next site - ebay, facebook, whatever. well, this is just an apology and a confession. Apology first - sorry i have not posted any pics in a while. i took my 2 memory cards to work for a work project and they are still sitting on my desk there! :( Confession - i am now totally addicted to scrapbooking. yes, scrapbooking! i have my BFF Laura Ellen Thornton Mullek to thank and our fall trip to Disney for inspiring me. The Disney scrapbook is already complete and i am now working on a birthday scrapbook for Katie-Ruth. I know this doesn't help any of our sweet, faithful friends in Arkansas, Memphis, Auburn, or St.Louis, but there you go - my confession. :)
I hope each of you are enjoying a wondeful New Year! please don't give up on me!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Have you discovered online scrapbooking? It will change your life.

Call me and I'll come over and give you a tutorial if need be.